Home » 2012 Rules Updates and Additions – Team Input Requested!

2012 Rules Updates and Additions – Team Input Requested!

Over the past several years we have had rules meetings but we have not had a very long list of items to discuss in any of the divisions.  We received some feedback last year around the usefulness of these meetings considering a lot of teams spend the better part of the day traveling to and from and attending the meetings.

This fall we are trying a different approach to updating our rules and getting input.  We are hoping to get as much input if not more with this approach as well as giving everyone back some family time and keeping people off the roads.  We are sending out a list of items for each division that we are looking for your input on updating or adding to the 2012 rules.  We will accept input on these proposed rules/topics until January 19th, 2012.

NOTE:  If you are a competitor at Speedway 660 and did not receive an email with your division information, please email us at info @ speedway660.com and we will send you the list for your division.

After January 19th we will evaluate all the input received and update the 2012 rules.  We are hoping to have these completed in DRAFT form for the 5th of February.  We will release a DRAFT set of 2012 rules for review (on our website).  The rules will become final two weeks after the DRAFT are if no additional changes are required.
Dates to remember are:
January 19th, 2012 – Last day to send in your input on proposed rule updates/additions
February 5th, 2012 – DRAFT rules released
February 19th, 2012 – DRAFT rules become FINAL.

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